Ack van Rooyen Bernd Bastian Bernhard Westermann Dietmar Köhl Dietmar Michel Erwin Kölmel Ferenc Aszodi Gerhard Georgi Harald Lang - Drums Herbert Kühn Lazi Wolpert Lothar Fritz Ludwig Papp Manfred Belzer Marcus Mitschele Otto Bredl Reinar Krennrich Roland Mayer Rudolf Heidler Thomas Fritz Thomas Paha Werner Baumgart Wolfgang Witte
Big Band
Release Date

Jazz, Rock & Sweet evokes images of the iconic jazz fusion band Blood, Sweat & Tears. Like BS&T, the band is packed with brass and reeds, and with 23 members it has an even harder kick. Baumgart’s compositions also have a BS&T flavor, with hip contemporary arrangements stacked up and over a solid rock rhythm base. Known for his work as composer, arranger, and player with Stuttgart’s Südwestfunk Dance Orchestra, and his Big Band Baden-Baden, here Baumgart explores the environs of the Big Apple. New York at Midnight offers rock- based sax and guitar solos with horns on the bottom, reeds on top. A medium-tempo saunter through Greenwhich Village has Ack Van Rooyen taking the melodic lead into a beautifully expressive solo. His lush warm sound exemplifies why the Dutchman is one of Europe’s leading trumpeters. Jones Beach features Lazi Wolpert’s breathy flute a la Roland Kirk. Long Island Sound rocks with a brassy sound and standout guitar and tenor solos. Manhattan Skyline features a blues-rock guitar solo, before Van Rooyen goes sight-seeing in straight-ahead swing. Coney Island is a summer jaunt at the amusement park as tenor and alto trade lines. Baumgart’s alto sax takes on the melody and solo duties on his rock ballad East River. With Otto Bredl’s sweet Dorsey-like trombone, it must be lovers in Central Park taking a stroll Around the Lake. Fifth Avenue has a touch of Tiffany before transforming into a rock gem with an impassioned flute solo. Big band fusion at its best!

Ack van Rooyen Bernd Bastian Bernhard Westermann Dietmar Köhl Dietmar Michel Erwin Kölmel Ferenc Aszodi Gerhard Georgi Harald Lang - Drums Herbert Kühn Lazi Wolpert Lothar Fritz Ludwig Papp Manfred Belzer Marcus Mitschele Otto Bredl Reinar Krennrich Roland Mayer Rudolf Heidler Thomas Fritz Thomas Paha Werner Baumgart Wolfgang Witte
Big Band
Release Date