Martial Solal
Contemporary Jazz
Release Date

On this incredible solo album, one Solal original is followed by 9 classic standards – stylistic masterpieces as only Martial Solal can play them. Although played in traditional jazz blues fashion, M.B.S. Blues features Solal’s inimitable approach – a mixture of off-the-wall spontaneity and tradition. On Green Dolphin Street Solal forgoes the melody and choses an open improvisational approach with some hip quotes thrown in. There’s a beautiful ballad rendition of Stars Fell Over Alabama, and on Crazy Rhythm Solal takes a straight-ahead joyous medium-up romp. A dark, dissonant beginning to All the Things You Are morphs into a virtuoso attack on the piece from a variety of directions. Solal clothes Satin Doll in all sorts of autre musical garments whereas Nice Work if You Can Get It plays around with harmonies, rhythms, and dynamics. Django Reinhardt’s Nuages receives an impressionistic treatment, stretching the piece’s possibilities far beyond what Solal must have played when he worked with the legendary guitarist. Gershwin’s Fascinating Rhythm flashes by with a speedy walking left hand bass line, chromatic runs and a bit of stride, while April In Paris shines a light on the city’s (and Solal’s) many sides. Famed jazz critic Whitney Balliatt called jazz ‘the sound of surprise’. He could have been defining Martial Solal. A jazz original at his ingenious best.

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