11. May

Rolf Kühn creates contrasts with his new single “Yellow And Blue”

The legendary 88-year-old clarinetist Rolf Kühn presents his new single "Yellow And Blue", the first foretaste for his upcoming eponymous album, which celebrates its release on June 1st via MPS Records. 

His first single "Yellow And Blue" is one of five new compositions. The single captivates with the contrast of soft, delicate, bluesy tones and stands next to the bright, the impulsive light, which turns the song into a new musical color. Blue and Yellow. Rest and awakening. Body and Soul. It all signifies intense life and love, as the kaleidoscope of colors merge to create something new.

As the album title suggests, the new album has contrasts for a theme. Besides new compositions he plays well-known ballads and legendary love songs. In doing so, he delivers new meanings and a fresh sound to the pieces. A sentimental look back is simply not his thing. Together with his new quartet of pianist Frank Chastenier, bassist Lisa Wulff, and percussionist Tupac Mantilla, Kühn contrasts his sensitive side with his unbridled desire to experiment.